Saturday, March 7, 2009

WinXCopy 02.01.00

WinXCopy - Based on the built-in Window’s software application XCopy, WinXCopy wraps all of the difficult command line parameters and batch file programming into a simple and easy Windows graphical user interface.

Create, Edit and execute powerful but simple data file backups to any drive your computer can access. Multiple back up items. Control the level of details for your back up items. Create very specific back ups or choose a top level folder to have all sub-folders backed up. Each back up item can be selected or unselected to control which of many back up items is actually executed. Choose what gets backed up. Back up all your files, just what has changed today, pick the date yourself or just since your last back up.

Control the back up process. Copy archives file only, back up empty folders and many other customization options. Back up Reminders. Haven’t run a back up in a while, WinXCopy will remind you.

Minimized Mode Operation. Have WinXCopy start-up minimized and automatically run your back-ups when started. Auto Execute on WinXCopy Start-up. Automatically start your backup when the application starts.

Summary Reports. See what has been copied to where and how long it took.
List of Changes:
Version 02.01.00 from 2005-09-30
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